FYSETC Cheetah Board

WARNING WARNING! This board is a bust. It came in unusable (DOA in my view) with major configuration problems. I will NOT be using this board. I may look at another later.

Some good news at least - after several messages back and forth with the seller (from whom I got NO real help) I got some satisfaction from AliExpress. They actually have a program where if I'm not satisfied they will refund my money. They did but they will only do this ONCE as a good will gesture. I'm not complaining but I think I'll buy from a dealer/seller that I trust in the future.

This is a 32-bit processor board that is a drop-in replacement for the stock control board in the Ender 3. Prices seem to be varying a bit but you can expect to pay $25 to $30 for the board. This is a really inexpensive way to upgrade the electronics into the 21st century.

I've ordered and received this board but have not yet installed it. You can do some of your own investigation at: https://wiki.fysetc.com/Cheetah_Board/

There are some reviews out there but not enough to get a good feel for how good (or bad) this board really is. I'm going to wait just a bit to see what develops before I invest the time. I'll post an update when things change.